Vegetarian Certification logos

Listed here are logos (or symbols, graphics, icons, marks, labels) used to convey or certify that a product or service is vegetarian or vegan.  To use these logos, official authorization needs to be obtained from their respective issuing organizations.

Standard logos

Vegan Action certified [75794257] by Vegan Action

Vegan a [75263226] Vegan b [75263175] Vegan Standards and Certification Project, Inc
(project, started by Hillary Morris, taken over by Vegan Action)

VS UK veg approved VS UK small logo by Vegetarian Society UK

Vegan, NVPA Approved National Vegan Products Association (NVPA)

suitable for vegetarians The NOVA Key:
A Looking-Glass and VeggieGlobal Labeling Campaign

American Vegetarian Association certification logos
American Vegetarian Association

Meat Free Zone Meat Free Zone (MFZ) logo and campaign,
by WARM (Woodstock Animal Rights Movement) Store

certified vegan by PETA [75262928] certified vegan by PETA [75262927] Vegan - No Animal Testing or Ingredients PETA, Not tested on animals [74154373] by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Universal Vegetarian Symbol Use of this "V" symbol signifies something is certified vegetarian, or an organization fosters vegetarianism.  Some of those organizations, listed below, authorize use of the symbol within their jurisdiction.

Propriatary logos

Vegetarian Vegan by Co-operative Group {UK}

vegan by Edward & Sons Trading

vegan by Alternative Baking Company

vegan symbol on menu ID cards vegetarian symbol on menu ID cards by Northwestern University, Chicago IL

No animal products, 100% vegetarian [75517558] NF Formulas, Inc. DBA Pharmacist's Nutrition Center

Not tested on animals

Leaping Bunny, cruelty free, Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) Choose Cruelty Free, Not tested on animals European Coalition to End Animal Experiments Humane Charity Seal of Approval, by PCRM [76467313] A Looking-Glass and VeggieGlobal Labeling Campaign, Not tested on animals PETA, Not tested on animals [74154357]

Limited animal welfare

American Humane's Free Farmed certification [75916888] Certified Humane by Humane Farm Animal Care [78228509] BC SPCA Certified Labelling Program RSPCA Freedom Food (British) Animal Care Certified [78275123]

See also Consumers Union Guide to Environmental eco-labels: Animal Welfare logos.

European Vegetarian Union (EVU) V-Label

EVU evu4 A Universal Vegetarian Symbol,
Safe shopping
EVU v3cm EVU v15mm

Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Vegetarismus (SVV) {Switzerland} navlogo
Vegetarianism Mark,
Portal v3cm vpin3 v2r v-green v15mm

The Vegan Society {UK}

The Vegan Society THE VEGAN magazine vegan World Vegan Day wvdicon ?

Alliance Végétarienne {France} Alliance Végétarienne

AVF GGrandLogo  Vegetarian, Agree Par Vegan, Agree Par AVF Le Logo V Vegetarian AVF Le Logo V Vegan

Organizations in North America

HRV VUNA Vegetarian Union of North America (VUNA) IVU VUNA Toronto Vegetarian Association VegDining VUNA

American Vegan Society (AVS)

State vegetarian societies: Vermont Vegetarian Society Vegetarian Society of DC

Others using the V-logo

Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological Society {London} Vegetarian World {Russia} Ethical Vegetarian Alternative (EVA) {Belgium, Flanders} Vegetarian Society of Ireland

Vegetarian Pages new Vegetarian Pages old


Products labeled "Kosher - Pareve" don't contain certain non-vegan ingredients, but may contain others such as fish, eggs, honey, and a few others.  For more information, see elsewhere on the web:

Other ethics labels

Fairtrade Labelling Organizations Int'l (FLO) TransFair USDA Organic seal

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