Listed here are logos (or symbols, graphics, icons, marks, labels) used to convey or certify that a product or service is vegetarian or vegan. To use these logos, official authorization needs to be obtained from their respective issuing organizations.
Vegan Standards and Certification Project, Inc
(project, started by Hillary Morris, taken over by Vegan Action)
National Vegan Products Association (NVPA)
The Key:
A Looking-Glass and VeggieGlobal Labeling Campaign
American Vegetarian Association
Meat Free Zone (MFZ) logo and campaign,
by WARM (Woodstock Animal Rights Movement) Store
Use of this "V" symbol signifies something is certified vegetarian, or an organization fosters vegetarianism. Some of those organizations, listed below, authorize use of the symbol within their jurisdiction.
NF Formulas, Inc. DBA Pharmacist's Nutrition Center
See also Consumers Union Guide to Environmental eco-labels: Animal Welfare logos.
A Universal Vegetarian Symbol,
Safe shopping
Vegetarianism Mark,
Products labeled "Kosher - Pareve" don't contain certain non-vegan ingredients, but may contain others such as fish, eggs, honey, and a few others. For more information, see elsewhere on the web: