Ethical issues, ranked by how important they are to me
Listed in order from most (0) to least (9) important
- Animals
- 0 Experimentation on animals to test cosmetics or personal care products
- 0 Killing animals - Vegetarian
- 1 Animal use except certain circumstances - Vegan, cruelty-free
- Environment
- 2 Environment
- 3 Resource extraction (mining, forestry, oil and gas)
- Employees and hiring
- 3 Human rights (in foreign countries, no sweatshops)
- 3 Labor relations (including US labor laws)
- 3 Employment/equality/diversity (non-discrimination)
- Products and services
- 4 Defense/weapons
- 4 Alcohol, tobacco, gambling
- 4 Products/services (safe/healthy/useful products/services)
- Community
- 5 Community relations (responsible corporate citizens)
- 6 Community investment (community organizations and development)
- Other issues (not important enough)
- 7 Genetically modified foods/seeds
- 8 Nuclear
- 8 Negative competitive practices
- 9 Contraceptive makers
- 9 Pornography
My justifications for my rankings
I don't care as much about those issues where the recipients of the bad effect have a choice about receiving it, such as tobacco. Although, I don't want to contribute to the problems, and the actions are a detriment to the society as a whole.
I don't care as much also about corporate involvement with the community because I think community involvement is the responsibility of every individual and not the corporations. Actually, I prefer that corporations don't make the decisions about what is important to support.
This page last changed February 20, 2001.