Donate via the web or by email

There are many services that let people find and donate to nonprofit charity organizations via the web or email.  The services accept the donations and forward it, usually minus a fee, to the charity.

Considerations for choosing a service to accept donations for your charity

Donate via credit card, paid to charity monthly

Donation and fundraising services

Federations providing online donation services to their member charities

Some employers have systems that allow their employees to donate to a list of charities.  For example, the U.S. federal government has the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).  Charities can get themselves listed by those employers.  Federations get their member charities listed but retain a portion of donations.

Federations, to provide online donation services, usually hire companies such as Maguire/Maguire, Association Management.

Services helping people manage their giving

Websites listing charities to which to donate

Donating a percentage of your purchases to a charity you choose

Information elsewhere to help charities with online fundraising

Payment services for all

Not listed above are the many commercial services (merchant accounts) to which anyone can apply to use.  There are many such services that charge less than 3% per transaction.  Most of them also charge one-time, monthly, and per-transaction fees.

There are also personal online payment systems that allow anyone to pay anyone via email without any setup or monthly fees.  The most well known is PayPal, which is free for payments via bank transfer and with other limitations, or $0.30 plus 3% to accept credit cards.  Another one is c2it by Citibank [2%] (also) Service discontinued 2003-November-9.  For more information, visit the following web pages elsewhere.

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